Book La Culture Francophone : Le Monde à L'écoute by Astrid A. Billat in TXT, FB2

English, French

"La culture francophone" "Le monde a l ecoute" is an innovative textbook for intermediate to advanced French courses that introduces the francophone world and its literatures in an authentic cultural context. Through the book s 11 chapters, students travel the francophone world from L Afrique Subsaharienne to Les Petites et Grandes Antilles to Le Belgique, learning its histories and geographies, reading selections from classic francophone texts, and experiencing the food, films, and music of its peoples. More than just a francophone reader, " Le culture francophone" is an itinerary in which the student journeys through the history and culture of "la francophonie," meets its people, and experiences their world as it is performed in context. Features: Eleven chapters covering a variety of francophone regions, including regions in North and Subsaharan Africa, America, and Europe, provide students with an introduction to the variety of la francophonie A standout array of exercises, such as pre-reading and pre-screening worksheets; comprehension, interpretation, and discussion questions; and composition exercises ( Expression ecrite activities); offers an effective practice in reading, writing, analysis, and discussion of upper-level French texts and dialogue The study of engaging, authentic feature films such as Chocolat (Claire Denis) and Rue Cases Negres (Euzhan Palcy) is integrated into the text allowing students to encounter French performed in context A variety of classic, literary selections from Ferdinand Oyono s Une vie de boy to Ernest Pepin s L envers du decor allow students to intensively study the literature of la francophonie Multi-sensory activities including tasting/preparing regional culinary dishes ( Arts culinaires sections) and listening to francophone music on YouTube and studying song lyrics ( Musique sections), provide students with opportunities to become active participants in the learning process An integrated companion website ( with streaming recordings of French speakers discussing contemporary issues such as the autonomy in Martinique, or politics around the Islamic veil in France, along with exercises to engage students in speaking and learning about issues in the francophone world", "La culture francophone: Le monde a l ecoute" is an innovative textbook designed for intermediate to advanced French courses that aim to introduce the Francophone world and its cultures in an authentic context. From Africa to the Caribbean, to Quebec, to Europe, it explores selected Francophone histories and geographies through a multitude of fascinating avenues, including: lively overviews of French-speaking countries, regions, or populations; excerpts of classic Francophone texts; discussions of prominent Francophone films, culinary dishes, music, public figures, vignettes of everyday life, and more. An array of engaging exercises offer rich opportunities to build language skills, as students become active participants in both language learning and Francophone culture itself. Features: Coverage of 11 distinct Francophone regions or populations, including Cameroon, Senegal, Algeria, Morocco, Guadeloupe and Martinique, Haiti, Quebec, Belgium, and multicultural FranceA variety of classic literary selections from Ferdinand Oyono's "Une vie de boy" to Ernest Pepin's "L'envers du decor"Study of engaging, authentic feature films such as Claire Denis Chocolat and Euzhan Palcy's "Rue cases-negres"A wealth of exercises, including pre- and post-reading activities as well as pre- and post-watching activities (among them, vocabulary-building activities; small-group exercises; oral presentations; comprehension, interpretation, and discussion questions; as well as composition exercises)Multi-sensory activities including introduction to, and recipes for, regional culinary dishes, as well as discussion of Francophone music", La culture francophone : Le monde à l'écoute is an innovative textbook for intermediate to advanced French courses that introduces the francophone world and its literatures in an authentic cultural context. Through the book's 11 chapters, students travel the francophone world from L'Afrique Subsaharienne to Les Petites et Grandes Antilles to Le Belgique, learning its histories and geographies, reading selections from classic francophone texts, and experiencing the food, films, and music of its peoples. More than just a francophone reader, Le culture francophone is an itinerary in which the student journeys through the history and culture of la francophonie , meets its people, and experiences their world as it is performed in context. Features: Eleven chapters covering a variety of francophone regions , including regions in North and Subsaharan Africa, America, and Europe, provide students with an introduction to the variety of la francophonie A standout array of exercises , such as pre-reading and pre-screening worksheets; comprehension, interpretation, and discussion questions; and composition exercises ("Expression écrite" activities); offers an effective practice in reading, writing, analysis, and discussion of upper-level French texts and dialogue The study of engaging, authentic feature films such as Chocolat (Claire Denis) and Rue Cases Nègres (Euzhan Palcy) is integrated into the text allowing students to encounter French performed in context A variety of classic, literary selections from Ferdinand Oyono's "Une vie de boy" to Ernest Pépin's "L'envers du décor" allow students to intensively study the literature of la francophonie Multi-sensory activities including tasting/preparing regional culinary dishes ("Arts culinaires" sections) and listening to francophone music on YouTube and studying song lyrics ("Musique" sections), provide students with opportunities to become active participants in the learning process An integrated companion website ( with streaming recordings of French speakers discussing contemporary issues such as the autonomy in Martinique, or politics around the Islamic veil in France, along with exercises to engage students in speaking and learning about issues in the francophone world, La culture francophone: Le monde à l'écoute is an innovative textbook designed for intermediate to advanced French courses that aim to introduce the Francophone world and its cultures in an authentic context. From Africa to the Caribbean, to Quebec, to Europe, it explores selected Francophone histories and geographies through a multitude of fascinating avenues, including: lively overviews of French-speaking countries, regions, or populations; excerpts of classic Francophone texts; discussions of prominent Francophone films, culinary dishes, music, public figures, vignettes of everyday life, and more. An array of engaging exercises offer rich opportunities to build language skills, as students become active participants in both language learning and Francophone culture itself. Features: Coverage of 11 distinct Francophone regions or populations , including Cameroon, Senegal, Algeria, Morocco, Guadeloupe and Martinique, Haiti, Quebec, Belgium, and multicultural France A variety of classic literary selections from Ferdinand Oyono's Une vie de boy to Ernest Pépin's L'envers du décor Study of engaging, authentic feature films such as Claire Denis' Chocolat and Euzhan Palcy's Rue cases-nègres A wealth of exercises , including pre- and post-reading activities as well as pre- and post-watching activities (among them, vocabulary-building activities; small-group exercises; oral presentations; comprehension, interpretation, and discussion questions; as well as composition exercises) Multi-sensory activities including introduction to, and recipes for, regional culinary dishes, as well as discussion of Francophone music

Astrid A. Billat - La Culture Francophone : Le Monde à L'écoute read online book FB2, EPUB, DJV