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Fifty-five years after Atlas Shrugged , Ayn Rand is more in the news than ever. Ayn Rand Explained is an accurate and riveting account of Rand's life, work, and influence, with the emphasis on her ideas. The book covers Rand's career, from youth in Soviet Russia to Hollywood screenwriter and then to ideological guru; her novels and other fiction writings; her work in ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics; her influence on--and personal animosity toward--both conservatism and libertarianism. Rand's Objectivism encompasses the ethics of rational egoism (#145;The Virtue of Selfishness'); dedication to rational thinking and acting; rejection of faith in the supernatural, personal freedom from political interference, and a moral defense of limited government and laissez-faire. Objectivism was first promoted through the Nathaniel Branden Institute, headed by Rand's young protégé and designated heir. The Institute's phenomenally rapid growth was abruptly cut short when Rand expelled Branden and his followers in 1968. Today Objectivism is represented by different factions, notably the Ayn Rand Institute and the Atlas Society. This is a revised, updated edition of The Ideas of Ayn Rand (1991), including new information on Rand's rocketing influence, new stories about her personal relationships, and new analysis of her life and ideas., Firms and entrepreneurs of all types - from microenterprises to multinationals - play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability of goods and services for consumers, and the tax revenues governments can draw on to fund health, education, and other services.The World Development Report 2005 argues that improving the investment climates of their societies should be a top priority for governments. Drawing on surveys of nearly 30,000 firms in 53 developing countries, country case studies, and other new research, the Report explores questions such as: - What are the key features of a good investment climate, and how do they influence growth and poverty? - What can governments do to improve their investment climates, and how can they go about tackling such a broad agenda? - What has been learned about good practice in each of the main areas of the investment climate? - What role might selective interventions and international arrangements play in improving the investment climate? - What can the international community do to help developing countries improve the investment climates of their societies? In addition to detailed chapters exploring these and other related issues, the Report contains selected data from the World Bank's new program of Investment Climate Surveys, the Bank's Doing Business Project, and World Development Indicators 2004. This Report offers practical insights for policymakers, executives, scholars, and all those with an interest in economic development., This is the 27th edition of the annual World Development Report and this edition focuses on a key development challenge of how governments can promote a strong investment climate in their societies, in order to foster economic growth and address poverty reduction objectives. Drawing on surveys of nearly 30,000 firms in 53 developing countries, as well as country case studies and other new research, the report explores options for expanding opportunities for firms and entrepreneurs of all types, from farmers and microenterprises to local manufacturing concerns and multinationals, to invest productively and create job opportunities. Findings drawn include that a strong investment climate should benefit society as a whole as well as individual firms, requires well-designed regulation and taxation systems. and should recognise and embrace the contributions of all types of firms to growth and poverty reduction. Governments need to address barriers to competitiveness and bridge the gap between policies and their implementation and address deeper sources of policy failure which can undermine a sound investment climate. The report also contains selected data from the World Bank's programme of Investment Climate Surveys and the Doing Business Project, as well as from the World Development Indicators 2004.

Read online ebook World Development Report: World Development Report 2005 : A Better Investment Climate for Everyone by World Bank Staff in EPUB, DJV, FB2

And Julia has learned--crime pays.The Asia Investor" provides a solid framework for analyzing investment opportunities across the region and picking potential winners.The book examines a wide range of issues in cultural policy and blends a close reading of key theories with case studies.Nine traditions of the ninja arts grew out of this seemingly endless struggle, and legends were told of the supernatural abilities of the ninja fighters.The Third Wave is part memoir, part manifesto, and part playbook for the future.How should the funds be managed, invested, and distributed?The information in just one of the chapters alone saved me over $28,000." Michael Millenaar "Full of practical Canadian content and presented in an organized and respectful system.With a voracious curiosity, Vanderbilt stalks the elusive beast of taste, probing research in psychology, marketing, and neuroscience to answer myriad complex and fascinating questions.